Many people practice Tai Chi and go through the motions of a choreographed form similar to a mindless dance. Their arms and legs moving independently. I don’t think you can reap the benefits of Tai Chi by practicing Tai Chi this way. Tai Chi has its obvious benefits such as increased oxygen to the cells, better balance, stronger bones, increased leg strength, reduced stress, anxiety relief, longevity, mindfulness, youthful appearance, balanced life, and is a great form of daily meditation and exercise.
Tai Chi is a lifelong journey. The more you practice Tai Chi the more Tai Chi benefits are revealed. I like to use the analogy comparing Tai Chi's benefits to peeling an onion. The more you practice Tai Chi another health benefit reveals itself.
I have spent many years practicing the Yang Tai Chi short form for its health benefits. Concentrating on the movements, postures, alignment, breathing and body mechanics. If there are blockages (tension) in the body the chi cannot flow freely. that is why it is important to learn Tai Chi from a qualified teacher.
If you take a glass cup and fill it with water. You place the cup in a lake, the water inside the glass is not part of the lake. In order for the water inside the glass to be part of the lake, you have to dissolve the glass. When you practice your Tai Chi meditative form you must relax while maintaining proper alignment.
In T'ai Chi meditative movement practice, relaxation means to give yourself up completely, both mentally and physically. It means to yield: yield totally to the entire universe, yield to the infinite. When you are able to yield yourself totally to the infinite, you will be able to relax and merge into the unity which the Taoist philosophy describes as the "integration of sky and human.
- T'ai Chi Classics
Please note it is also important to live a balanced healthy lifestyle. Tai Chi most likely will not help those who abuse their health.