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Who doesn't love a good Kung Fu or Martial Arts movie?
One of the main reasons I wanted to learn martial arts was the 1972 series, Kung Fu. It was a Kung Fu-themed TV series that starred David Carradine. The main character, named Kwai Chang Cane, traveled the west and had flashbacks to his upbringing at the Shaolin temple. He was a Kung Fu master. These early flashbacks included martial arts training and words of wisdom. He wandered from town to town, where violence always seemed to find him. He dealt with it by trying to avoid the use of violence.
I know firsthand how motivating and inspiring a good Kung Fu movie can be. A good Kung Fu movie can even inspire you to be a better person. Several martial art movies have inspired me to work out and continue practicing the martial arts I have learned. Don't underestimate the power of a good Kung Fu movie.
The below list consists of my personal favorite martial art movies. You can purchase these movies from Amazon using the affiliate links below or rent them from your local library.
If you don't see your favorite Kung Fu or Martial Art movie on my list reach out to me. I am open to hear your suggestions.
My favorite Martial Art Movies in no particular order
Fist of Legend
American Shaolin - King of the Kick Boxers