Morning Meditation or Evening Meditation Which Is Best?
I have read in many books to get the best health benefit from Tai Chi practice at sunrise and sunset. This really makes the most sense to me for many reasons. One reason is that you begin and end your day with some healthy form of moving meditation exercise. Another reason might be that you are doing such a beneficial mind-body exercise at the same time the day is exchanging its energy from day to night and vice versa. For the most part, I practice Tai Chi and Qigong every day but it is usually whenever I can fit it into my schedule. I have never adhered to a strict schedule regarding the time of day I practice my Tai Chi forms.
I have recently started learning and have been practicing the Chen style 56 competition form at night outside in my backyard. For some reason, it is usually around 11 pm. I let my German shepherd dog out and he is usually running circles around me while I practice. He is constantly trying to get my attention by bringing me sticks. Don’t worry I am not ignoring him, I make sure to play with him beforehand, he gets plenty of exercise every day.
It is cold in New York this time of year, I am not a big fan of cold weather. When I go outside at night to practice Tai Chi I bundle up with a hat, gloves, scarf and a heavy coat. My face might be cold but I don't feel the cold anywhere else.
The reason I decided to do my Tai Chi form outside is I need quite a bit of space to practice the Chen 56 competition form. Practicing outside gives me plenty of room to practice. For me, not having to stop during the form and move to fit into the room I am practicing in is a big plus. While I am on the grass the ground has its ups and downs so I have to be in my center otherwise I will be off-balance. I seem to like it best on a clear night when I walk outside and look up and the sky is lit by either a bright moon and a multitude of stars. I have a long playlist of relaxing music on my iPhone so that puts me in a great state of mind for Tai Chi practice.
I am more of a warm-weather person but have been really enjoying the feeling of practicing outside at night in the cold weather. Who knows maybe I will start looking forward to the winters in New York.
The best time of day to practice Tai Chi is whatever time works best for you.
Do you have a favorite time and place to practice Tai Chi? let me know in the comments below.